Making an Appointment for a Doctor
You can make an appointment by ringing 01324 851288 from 08:30 – 18.00 and speaking to our reception staff.
We also offer emergency and bookable on the day appointments each day if you feel you need to see a doctor and cannot wait until the next available appointment. We ask that you try and contact the surgery as early as possible for these. Please note these appointments are given out in order and times will vary from day to day.
All urgent cases are seen on the day.
Making an Appointment for a Practice Nurse
You can make an appointment for Slamannan or Avonbridge Surgery by ringing 01324 851288 and speaking to our reception staff. We ask where possible if you can let the receptionists know what the appointment is for, as this allows you to be given the appropriate length of time needed.
Telephone Advice
If you need to speak to a doctor or practice nurse without requiring an appointment please contact reception on 01324 851288. Your details will be booked into a telephone slot. Once the doctor/nurse has completed their clinic you will be given a call back. Please take into consideration that clinics can run over and emergencies may arise, therefore we are not able to specify a time.
Call backs are also made by using Practice Mobiles where the caller ID will be withheld.
We can arrange for interpretation and translation services in person or by phone for those patients who do not speak English. Please let us know when arranging your appointment as we require notice to be able to arrange this.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.